Numerical Knitting

January 20, 2008


Filed under: Knitting,SP10 — by bethc @ 4:13 pm

It is with great sadness that I announce the loss of my Cicada Mary socks… They were to be Bloody Mary socks knitted in Yarn Pirate Cicada. I had them and was knitting away at Bunny’s Tae Kwon Do class on Wednesday. We went from Tae Kwon Do to the car, drove to another parking lot, got out, went to a restaurant and ate, got back in the car and drove home. When we arrived at home my socks (knit two at a time, past the heel turn) in the cute fabric bag I got from Gwen my SP10 were not in the car.

B returned to the parking lots later, no luck. I have asked at Tae Kwon Do as well as most of the surrounding businesses and the restaurant. They are gone… I am sad. I really liked that yarn, I really liked that bag, I had spent a TON of time knitting on size 0 needles. I spent yesterday, when it was clear they were really gone, drowning my sorrows in fried fish and non-diet soda…

Then swatched for something new! A tomten for Bunny. I also looked through all my sock yarn and made a tentative choice of a new sock project… so loss, but the knitting goes on.

And if you happen to be in Arlington, VA and find a small bag of knitting, could you let me know?

July 8, 2007

We’re back, and WOW!

Filed under: Knitting,SP10 — by bethc @ 4:04 pm

Coming back from vacation is never easy, do you know there doesn’t seem to be anyone here waiting to make up my bed, or turn it down and put a chocolate on the pillow? Also the ever present buffet and the oh so handy kid’s club seem to be missing… Full recap of a great cruise and all the knitting and yarn shopping will commence soon, but in the mean time feast your eyes on what was waiting for me at home!

A big box full of lots of little gifts from my SP!! Almost makes it worth coming home. So I dug all the gifts out of the box and set to work opening. There was lots of ooohing and aaahing as I opened each one and when I was done…

I had this wonderful pile of stuff. I got:

Victorian Lace Today (what a beautiful book!)

A wonderful blank book with a great pink cover

A magnet, magnetic pad, and book mark (all darling)

Some lemon drops

Beautiful Yarn Place Graceful Lace in a wonderful blue and purple

Some (can you believe it) 100% cashmere lace weight from Just our Yarn. It’s beautiful with pinks, blues, purples, and some dusty greens!

Last but not least, a little something for Bunny! A kit for making a pirate scene. What better for a boy just back from a cruise? Better yet, he set right to work at it and it kept him occupied while we got the mail sorted and the air conditioning did it’s magic.

Thanks so much SP!! I know your name now, but a little googling and I haven’t located you yet. Want to give me a hint so I can compose a more personal thank you?

Now, off to do laundry, or perhaps build a buffet…

May 18, 2007

Thanks SP!

Filed under: Knitting,SP10 — by bethc @ 10:51 am

I have been very busy (even had to miss SLK again last night) with some work that I’m doing outside of school as well as the normal “school might end sometime soon and it would be nice if all the papers were graded” work so it was a great pick-me-up to get a package yesterday.

Everybody sing, “white paper packages tied up with yarn, these are a few of my favorite things!”

What fun a package, there were five different little packages. Each one was wrapped in white tissue paper and tied up with fun yarn.

The first package I opened had some cute notecards, all knitting themed! Since I’m moving into thank you note season #2 (season #1 is at Christmas) they will come in most handy.

The next three packages were all yarn! Three balls of Diakeito Diacosta (color 220). It’s not a yarn I know anything about, but it is totally cool! Anyone used it? I think it screams for lace so what can I make with 447 yards of this? I would love suggestions!

Finally there’s a great looking book Knit Fix. I’m sure it will be very handy!

Thanks so much SP! This was a great package!!

On another note I want to knit something little to send to the woman I have been working with on this outside project. It needs to be a quick knit and from my stash. I’m thinking about dishcloths, but do you think a non-knitter would think it was strange to get dishcloths as a gift?

April 10, 2007

Awesome SP

Filed under: SP10 — by bethc @ 9:37 am

Yesterday wasn’t a particularly bad, but not great either. Then Bunny had a hard dinner with grumpiness and tears. Finally I realized I was locked out of the house, ugg. I got a key from the best in-laws in the world and got in the house only to discover a box… for me… from my SP!

Boy did she hit the nail on the head! What a great box of stuff she sent. There’s candy, both the gummy and chocolate varieties. The Bubble Chocolate looks particularly fun. Then there was a book for Bunny, Monsters Inc., one of his favorites. Then there was this nice fabric bag. A neat floral with a ribbon tie. What was inside you ask? Yarn! Two balls of Cascade Fixation in a great blue, green, and purple that I love. Along with it was a pack of little post it’s and two little pens. I would like to point out that the pens and the post it’s match the yarn… how cool is that? Thanks so much SP! What a great way to end the day. By the way, anybody have a suggestion for the best sock pattern for Fixation?

In other news, the Pinwheel should be done today! I have finished the border and started a picot cast off. Full details when it’s done.

March 23, 2007

Kimonos, and raglans, and blankets, oh my!

Filed under: Knitting,SP10 — by bethc @ 11:07 am

My SP hostess Shelby has challenged us with a first contest!

First: You must have your questionnaire posted where your pal can easily find it.
Second: I’d like to see what you’re all working on! Please make a post, where you pick one of your favorite current projects and explain why you love it so much! What yarn and pattern are you using? Who is it for??

Ok, questionnaire is done, it’s two posts back and there’s a link under “current activities.”

Right now I am working on 3 projects. I normally try to only have two things going on (in my knitting life that is, in my “regular life” I would be thrilled to have only two things going on!) but babies on the way and a SKL knit-along resulted in three simultaneous projects.

1. Kimono for baby boy M. R is already born, the second child of Bunny’s teacher and the baby brother of one of Bunny’s best friends. The baby’s grandma is a knitter, so I hope this cuts the mustard! Baby Kimono from Mason-Dixon. Knit in Mission Falls cotton in a really nifty slate blue color.

2. Top-down raglan for Bunny. A bunch of the SLKs are knitting top-down raglans. Mine is in a cotton-microfiber that I got a Big Lots. I totally forget what it is at the moment. I’m using Kitting from the Top Down as the pattern. I think I’m almost ready to split out the sleeves.

3. Pinwheel blanket for Baby P. A special blanket for a special cousin! Knitted in two colors of Rowan All Seasons Cotton.

I am supposed to pick a favorite, and that’s hard. I like the color of the Kimono a lot, but knitting it is getting hard on my hands. I like the rhythm of the pinwheel, longer and longer stretches of knitting with the yarn overs to keep me from completely nodding off. I guess my favorite is the raglan. I like the stitch pattern, the challenge of knitting from basic instructions rather than a set pattern, and the fact that it goes pretty quickly!

We’re off to the Happiest Place on Earth first thing tomorrow morning! I can’t wait!! I think we will have Internet at the hotel, so you may get the joy of seeing us on vacation…

March 21, 2007

SP10 – The Answers

Filed under: SP10 — by bethc @ 9:41 am

1. What is/are your favorite yarn/s to knit with? What fibers do you absolutely *not* like?

I like most things except for really squeaky acrylic. I really like alpaca blends and other really soft stuff.

2. What do you use to store your needles/hooks in?

I mostly use my KnitPicks Options set and those have a nice notebook thingie. Other than that my needles are in a plastic bag from the grocery store…

3. How long have you been knitting & how did you learn? Would you consider your skill level to be beginner, intermediate or advanced?

I learned to knit as a child and have knit off and on since then. I started knitting a lot almost two years ago.

4. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list?

Right here!
My Wish List

5. What’s your favorite scent?

I don’t wear perfume, makes me sneeze! I do like vanilla or light floral scents for home and my classroom.

6. Do you have a sweet tooth? Favorite candy?

There’s not much candy I don’t like! Peanut-butter cups and Starburst are favorites, but I like most any candy. I do prefer more ordinary candy to fancy ones. Oh, and I love chocolate covered pretzels.

7. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do? Do you spin?

I have sewn and scrapbooked and hope to get back to both this summer. I just received the supplies to learn to spin, but I haven’t decided if it’s right for me or not.

8. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? (if your buddy wants to make you a CD)

I tend to like folk music and other songs where I can understand the words 🙂 I think my computer can play most anything!

9. What’s your favorite color(s)? Any colors you just can’t stand?

I like most anything. I guess green and blue are my favorites, but I also like red, yellow, purple, orange, pink…

10. What is your family situation? Do you have any pets?

I have a husband and a four-year-old son. We have two cats.

11. Do you wear scarves, hats, mittens or ponchos?

Scarves and mittens yes, hats some, ponchos not so much…

12. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit?

I guess baby socks. But I mostly like whatever I am doing right now best.

13. What are you knitting right now?

A Mason-Dixon Kimono, a top down raglan, and a pinwheel blanket.

14. Do you like to receive handmade gifts?


15. Do you prefer straight or circular needles? Bamboo, aluminum, plastic?

I mostly use my KnitPick Options so I guess circular/aluminum. I use Addi turbos for smaller sizes.

16. Do you own a yarn winder and/or swift?


17. How old is your oldest UFO?

It was started in 1999. My tastes have changed. It’s a baby blanket, I should just finish it and donate it somewhere.

18. What is your favorite holiday?

I think Christmas, but I like most any holiday especially if it involves gifts or food!

19. Is there anything that you collect?

I collect Doc from Snow White.

20. Any books, yarns, needles or patterns out there you are dying to get your hands on? What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have?

I get Cast On, but no other magazines. I put the books I want on the Amazon list. I would love to try some other sock yarns like Yarn Pirate or other hand dyed. I would love to get some fancy beaded stitch markers.

21. Are there any new techniques you’d like to learn?

I mostly pick a project and then teach myself the techniques

22. Are you a sock knitter? What are your foot measurements?

A beginning one! I wear 7 1/2 medium

23. When is your birthday?

June 25

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