Numerical Knitting

October 13, 2008

Time flies…

Filed under: Knitting,parenting,Teaching,Trailer life — by bethc @ 9:31 pm
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There’s something about the rhythm of teaching school that is soothing… every year is the same, just the main characters change. You would think by now I would remember how hard the start is every year, but somehow, each year I’m surprised.

We’re just back from a truly relaxing week-end that has left me feeling renewed and refreshed. We left later than we intended on Friday, but did manage to make a final trip to the beach for the season. Because I have the best in-laws in the world, and they have a trailer on 4 spots away from ours, I got perhaps more sleep in a single week-end than I have since before Bunny was born! All that sleep has left me on a Monday evening (but really it’s more like a Sunday evening with the holiday and all) with the energy to quickly bring blogville up to date.

MmmmmmalabrigoSince we last spoke we received the wondrous Malabrigo from SuperCrafty and the Grade 6 knitters are off and running. While a few are still working on their “practice” many are learning the joys of knitting a cowl with yummy goodness. I knitted one for myself, binding off as we rode the bus to the Grade 6 fall camping trip. I then proceeded to wear said cowl for the entire 3-day trip. After that abuse it needs a good washing before its photo shoot!

loads of Legos!We arrived home from camping on Bunny’s 6th birthday. My how time flies! He calculated that if he aged another year for each birthday celebration he’s now 12. His birthday was well celebrated to say the least, with different events stretching over eight days. One of the many highlights was the Pirate Lego party held with 18 of his closest friends. We rented Legos for the event. 30,000 of them! A good time was had by all the kids, and the adults involved were all exhausted!

Tomten in progressWhen we got ready to leave for this week-end’s trip I grabbed Bunny’s long neglected Tomten. What fun it is to knit on and I am nearing the end of the first sleeve. I have high hopes that I’ll actually get it done in time for wear this fall! Luckily it seems that it will still fit, and he still likes purple, whew.

I have other things that need to get done, most pressing is sewing up the squares for a group baby blanket. The squares have been done since mid-summer, I’m just putting off the sewing… now I’m thinking about crocheting them together, perhaps that would be interesting enough to get me on the case! I have ordered Cascade 220 from The Loopy Ewe to start on holiday felted clogs. I have the pattern for the children’s but have to track down the adult one. Anyone know of a lys in my area that carries it? Seems a shame to pay shipping.

Only three teaching days this week (Friday is parent-teacher conferences) so I’m hoping that my state of restedness might last…

June 8, 2008

Summer time…

Filed under: parenting,Teaching,Trailer life — by bethc @ 7:56 pm

Now I’m just waiting for the living to get easy…

Last week was the final frenzy, and then, in the magic that is teaching school, suddenly at 5:55 Friday afternoon it was all done. The papers were all graded, the grades were all turned in, the room was clean, and all of the forms had been finished. It was summer!

Bunny in a Tide PoolAfter the faculty end of year party we headed down in a late night trip to the beach. Leaving at 10pm sure helps beat the traffic! I fell into bed about 1am and was fast asleep, no more worry, it’s over. Unfortunately, Bunny had been asleep since 8:30 so at 6:10 he was wide eyed and bushy tailed telling me “did you know? We’re at the trailer!” Luckily Grandma and Papa were up for an early morning visitor. So after cereal with Dora he was off to their place and I was back asleep. Next thing I knew it was 10:30! Wow, it must be summer!

beach viewOff to the beach. Bunny played in a tide pool, I sat under an umbrella and knit, and B hit the dollar store. Ah, everyone happy.

Unfortunately, B had to head back home Saturday evening to play a concert Sunday, so he hitched a ride with his aunt and Bunny and I were on our own. Well, not exactly, since Grandma and Papa were five trailers away. Bunny thought we should hit the boardwalk and who am I to argue. I Won!We had treats and played skee ball and I actually won a prize! When I think about all the skee ball I have played in my life that’s one expensive tiny stuffed dog. But he was thrilled, and I have to admit I was pretty excited too!

Back to the trailer I let him stay up while I finished sewing a lining onto the curtains for his trailer room. I was deluded with the thought that a dark room would make him sleep later. He was up 90 minutes past his bed time and was still up by 6:30. Thankfully, Grandma and Papa had invited him over for breakfast so off he went. I wasn’t able to go back to sleep, but had a peaceful morning knitting and watching Juno and DIY network.

The rest of the day has been dominated by constant reminders that I let the young prince stay up too late last night. But despite the whining we made it home safely and B has taken him out for dinner and left me home alone.

Tomorrow camp starts for Bunny, but only 10 – 1. And what will I do with the precious 3 hours? Go to the gym? Knit in a coffee shop? Get a pedicure? Nope, I will go to school for a meeting… Summer?

May 27, 2008

Our “place” at the beach

Filed under: General,Trailer life — by bethc @ 2:08 pm

The other day I mentioned to someone that we have a place at the beach.

Her jaw dropped, so I explained. Our “place” is 32′ x 8′ trailer and is about 8 miles from the actual ocean. (Rehoboth Beach, DE) But, there you have it, a way for us to have a get-away. We’re in a park where my in-laws and B’s aunt and uncle and cousin’s family all also have trailers, so it’s a nice way to hang out with family, and there’s free baby-sitting!

I thought I would share some photos from May 17 when we moved our tailer into it’s spot.

Backing into the spot! (Many thanks to B’s aunt N for getting it to the park and uncle B for driving it into the spot.)

Here comes the new trailer!

Wow, that thing must be heavy, after the terrible rains it left huge ruts in the ground.

whoa, those are deep ruts

Gotta get rid of the ruts… the best part was that the whole time he worked Bunny sang, “all I need is a rake and a hoe.” Too bad the ground under a trailer does not have ideal growing conditions.

getting rid of the ruts

getting rid of ruts

Now to the details of trailer life… Blocking and jacking

working the jack

And hooking up the sewer… for some reason Bunny is very interested in sewer pipes, go figure.

I love sewer pipes

Finally, time to move in!

happy home? owner

I won’t even go into the saga of the broken water inlet or the hot water heater malfunction. However, we’re making progress and spent a nice Memorial Day week-end there. I even managed to make waffles for breakfast, but my methods of measuring were sketchy. Time to clean out my kitchen and take all the doubles to the trailer!

I also need to invest in an outside chair. Sitting on the patio the knitting sounds like bliss! I did manage some knitting this week-end, I’ll try to get that blogged (and it is a long and sordid tale) soon.

The school year is winding down, so it’s crazy time!

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