Numerical Knitting

January 28, 2009

Since we last “talked”

Filed under: General — by bethc @ 5:49 pm


1. Bunny and my dad ready for formal night, 2. Malabrigo Beret for Little J, 3. Toddler Mittens for Hanna, 4. Panama Canal lock doors, 5. Bunny and Santa, 6. close enough to Twilight fingerless gloves for Big J, 7. three generations with matching hats, 8. Island Princess, 9. For both ends of Baby K, 10. Tiny Guatemalan weaver, 11. Christmas!, 12. Mittens for Ms. C, 13. lock house, 14. 1/3 of the way through a lock, 15. floral carpet in a Guatemalan village, 16. Mittens for Mrs. D

November 6, 2008

Hat for a one-armed pirate!

Filed under: General — by bethc @ 2:37 pm

pirate Halloween has come and gone… my little one-armed pirate did quite well, even if the parrot wouldn’t stay up on the cast perch. I think he enjoyed trick-or-treating more than he has in the past, although I must admit my dismay in the complete lack of Reese’s in his bag.

We’re adjusting to life with a cast pretty well, although we have yet to venture into the word of a full bath. I admit I combined the need for a hair-cut with the need for a hair wash. Bunny and I hit the mall on Monday evening and at Cartoon Cuts he got a wash and cut! Pin removal has been scheduled for December 2.

Turkish Pattern Cap in useI did manage to finish the Turkish Patterned Cap for Bunny shortly after my last post. He has been wearing it almost daily. I figure it will help keep him warm since he really can’t wear a coat.

This photo is from a Kindergarten field trip to some farm or something. I think it turned out really well and he looks quite adorable in it if I do say so myself. I have yet to get a photo of both of my guys in their hats, but I plan to! Thanks to Lisa for modeling and Amber for taking the model shot!
Turkish Pattern Cap

September 4, 2008

How time flys…

Filed under: General,parenting — by bethc @ 10:59 am

How did this happen?

Bunny, first day of N

First Day of Nursery (Fall 2006)

Bunny, first day of PK

First Day of PK (fall 2007)

Bunny, first day of K

First Day of Kindergarten (fall 2008)

September 1, 2008

End of Summer Wrap-up

Filed under: General — by bethc @ 8:19 pm

My classroom is ready.

I know what I’m going to teach.

I have clean clothes.

School starts tomorrow… Ready or not, here we go again!

But for today, I’m thinking back to the summer!

ravthlete I competed in the Ravelympics!

And I won two medals!!
ravelympics medal for Bag-n-Tote Backstroke ravelympics medal for Felted Freestyle

Surprised that I managed to start and finish two projects during the Olympics? Me too. Of course, there was a trip across the country and a cruise so there was penty of knitting time!

My projects were Elisa’s Nest Tote and Children’s Felt Clogs. Both were great fun to knit and I’m already planning repeats of both. I think I better start stocking up on feltable yarn, I see a lot of clogs come Christmas! Didn’t The Loopy Ewe say they would have Cascade 220 soon? That could be dangerous…

August 13, 2008

Found the moon

Filed under: General — by bethc @ 12:09 am

Wind Farm outside Santa MonicaStaying on the high desert was an experience, and I still think the landscape looks like the moon… but today we drove to Palm Springs past a giant and magnificent wind farm. Hopped on a puddle-jumper and landed in LA. Diner on the Santa Monica Pier, and I found the moon, over the ferris wheel!
Moon over Santa Monica Ferris Wheel

August 12, 2008

Is this the moon?

Filed under: General,Knitting — by bethc @ 11:14 am

29 Palms CA
29 Palms CAI am now in the high desert of CA, in Twenty-Nine Palms to be exact. The landscape is so different from anything I have seen before. They were complaining that it’s been so humid here this summer, almost 20% most days they say… I just had to laugh after life in DC I’m getting dehydration headaches here! Also, you know what, even with no humidity 105 is hot!

String bag in progressOne good thing about repeated cross-country trips is knitting time! This is the Elisa’s Nest Tote knit in Hempathy. It’s one of my Ravelympics projects.

Today I move to Santa Monica, should be more humidity there! Don’t forget about my contest

August 7, 2008


Filed under: General,Knitting — by bethc @ 11:56 am

Time for a contest! Answer the three questions below and be entered to win the answer to question 3.

  1. Where did I spend the night on Monday August 4, 2008 (city and state)?
  2. What band did B and I see live in concert last night (Wednesday August 6, 2008)?
  3. What book did Interweave send me by mistake?

Need a little more help? Here are some clues:

View from the hotel window on Monday

Really bad photos from the concert

I ordered a bunch of books from Interweave at their hurt book sale. Six of these are ones I ordered, one is not.

So, leave me a comment with your answers by August 15, 2008 and if you are correct you will be entered in a drawing to win the book I got, and don’t want! I’m sure I’ll throw in some other goodies as well.

Have fun!

July 21, 2008

Finished Hemlock Ring

Filed under: General — by bethc @ 11:08 am

Hemlock Ring -- blocking

I was pleased with myself that I actually got the wedding gift knitted and blocked days before the wedding! I finished the crocheted bind of (thanks to JulieFrick for the convincing that crocheting was much easier than the crazy knitted bind off in the pattern) on Wednesday evening. Washed and blocked Thursday morning and it was dry in time for bed Thursday night. Folded neatly with a card and delivered Friday morning. Heck the wedding wasn’t till Saturday so I was way ahead of the game.

I can see why so many people are knitting this, it really is a fun knit and gets to be sort of hypnotic.

Hemlock Ring -- the Brooklyn Tweed shot Details: Hemlock Ring throw as detailed by Brooklyn Tweed with help from The Rainey Sisters. Knit with Alpaca with a Twist, Baby Twist in brown using size 8 needles. I used all of one jumbo hank and some of the second. There is still plenty left on the second to make something else. I kept going till there were 75 stitches in each section. It blocked out to about 46″ in diameter. I think now I should have made it bigger, but this way I got it done! Ravtails here.

Details on the wedding tomorrow!

July 15, 2008

You’re doing what?

Filed under: General — by bethc @ 12:10 pm

Cutting out the flower girl dress Once upon a time I used to sew clothing instead of knitting it. In fact, while I didn’t sew my wedding dress, I did sew things that I wore at both the rehearsal and at the party the evening after the wedding.

In recent history (we just celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary in June) I haven’t done much more sewing than putting the patches on Bunny’s Tae Kwon Do uniform. Oh, and I started a quilt last summer, but that’s a whole other story.

The reason for sewing today comes because my brother-in-law is being married on Saturday. Bunny is the ring barer and a cousin is the flower girl. The cousin in question is long and lean so finding a sun dress long enough would have required major alteration. I offered to make it rather than face the altering. I forgot how fun (and fast) it is to make clothing. After pre-washing yesterday, today in about two hours I got it cut out and have most of the top (and thus the fiddly parts) finished. It helps that I picked a super easy pattern and the only modifications I’m making are to make it size 6 with a size 8 length. I have high hopes that she will look particularly adorable!

In other news the yard sale was a success. We made $134.50 and only had to put $70 of gas in the borrowed minivan, so an actual profit! I didn’t bring back nearly as much as I took so that’s the real gain. There are a few things that I’m going to try to sell on Craig’s list or Ebay, we shall see how that goes. After the sale, I found some real treasures in my parents’ basement. Relics from my mother’s by gone days of crafting… but those will have to wait for another post!

July 11, 2008

What I collected before yarn

Filed under: General — by bethc @ 12:53 pm

Strollers Why I needed three strollers for one child is not completely clear to me anymore, but I remember at the time I had good reasons. Off to the yard sale they go, perhaps I can buy some more yarn with the proceeds!

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